Sunday, January 4, 2015


Adi told me today that school is boring.

I suggested that she try reading a book under her desk.

She said that she and her friend already have a way to sneak in entertainment:

"We bring in snails, and we put them under a leaf so that it looks like we're bringing in leaves, and then when the teacher says 'no leaves in the classroom' we throw them away and put the snails into Tamar's pockets."

Unsurprisingly, it turns out that undergoing an unnecessarily complicated transport procedure that ends in a 9-year-old's pocket is not beneficial to snail longevity.

"Two of the snails were squished. But two lived."

They will not be doing this again, because Adi loves snails and does not want to see them squished (I entirely approve, of course. Snails are basically slugs with armor, therefore, awesome. (The part where she thinks "baby" cockroaches are cute is a different story)). I was just proud to hear that she's found creative ways to deal with boredom in school.

And now I have to do my part, namely, go to school and find out what they're planning to do to stop boring my daughter. At the very least they should have a collection of interesting books for under-desk reading.


D had a birthday party today. D had an actual birthday over a month ago. Don't judge, OK? I've been busy. And we totally celebrated on her birthday; this was the "friends party."

Cake was eaten, balloons were accidentally popped, and colorful sand from many art projects was embedded in the crevices of our living room floor. So - good party.

By the end of the (not-quite-2-hour) party, the older kids were playing on the computer, D's D-aged friends were all sitting around the table doing "art," and D herself was sitting alone on the floor playing happily with a Playmobile set and muttering softly to herself. So basically, exactly how you'd expect things to end, if you know her. (She rejoined the group when it was time to hand out party treats.)


Can I just point out that I managed to get through a whole post without complaining about studying even once? Now I get to write a whole post that's only complaining.