Monday, July 29, 2013

Why I'm so boring lately

I fell behind on studying, and it's taking forever to catch up. Probably something to do with how summer vacation is only a vacation if you're a child. And maybe with my own ability to focus (I've started keeping a "done" list to match my "to do" lists; today wasn't the first day that about half an hour was marked as "? not sure." To be clear, I'm not saying I only spend half an hour not being productive - I'm saying I spent at least half an hour doing something that, a mere 40 minutes later, I could not recall in the slightest (staring at the wall? alien abduction?)).

So yeah. That's my excuse for not posting. If you read this blog (hi mom!), I suggest you stop until mid-August; I'm not really anticipating new posts between now and then. (Of course, it could be that as my next test approaches, the Procrastination lobe of my brain will fully engage, and there will be wonderfully creative new posts here. Or more likely, new book reviews of teen fiction that nobody could possibly have expected to be anything but bad.)

But in the meantime, I'll leave you with a conversation between two children, who I will call OC (older child) and YC for their own protection.

YC: Mommy, they're not letting me play!
OC: Yes we are! (To YC) I said you could be the boy fairies. [note: from Tinkerbell]
YC: I don't want to be the boy fairies.
OC: OK, you can be Spike. [note: from My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic IT'S BEEN A LONG FOUR WEEKS DON'T JUDGE ME]
YC:  OK, I'll be Spike.
OC: Spike is sleeping now. 

1 comment:

  1. Snan,

    Don't worry, you have at least TWO readers (hi mom!). If you need content, you could always add in a movie review or two. I can think of one movie that might be particularly worth reviewing. Maybe even a book-movie comparison with recommendations of which to enjoy first...?

    - snan
