I had an interesting conversation today with one of my children, who shall remain anonymous to all but those who have met my children and/or have read this blog in the past.
(To really get into the story experience, picture the following: as we talk, said child is on her back on the bed busily kicking my hands, which are held out to catch her feet.)
Me: (Child), N and M say you were hitting them. (to readers: M is a friend)
Child: Yes, I was doing that.
Me: You know that hitting isn't allowed!
Child: But Mommy! I'm insane!
Me: Uh-oh. Why did you go insane?
Child: Because it wasn't fun being not insane.
We eventually reached a compromise: she could stay insane, but would have to be insane in a way that did not involve hitting. We even did some brain-storming, and settled on either of the following as an acceptable form of insanity: believing herself to be a giant, man-eating crocodile, or believing herself to be a monster. (But only a good monster. Child: "A good monster is a monster that it hits evil and evil goes home.")
Bits of conversation that I overheard on Friday:
A: Stop it! I told you, I'm not a train!!
N: Yes you are!!!
Viggy: You want to call it a chicken? Fine. It's a chicken. Now GET OUT OF THE CHICKEN!!
(To really get into the story experience, picture the following: as we talk, said child is on her back on the bed busily kicking my hands, which are held out to catch her feet.)
Me: (Child), N and M say you were hitting them. (to readers: M is a friend)
Child: Yes, I was doing that.
Me: You know that hitting isn't allowed!
Child: But Mommy! I'm insane!
Me: Uh-oh. Why did you go insane?
Child: Because it wasn't fun being not insane.
We eventually reached a compromise: she could stay insane, but would have to be insane in a way that did not involve hitting. We even did some brain-storming, and settled on either of the following as an acceptable form of insanity: believing herself to be a giant, man-eating crocodile, or believing herself to be a monster. (But only a good monster. Child: "A good monster is a monster that it hits evil and evil goes home.")
Bits of conversation that I overheard on Friday:
A: Stop it! I told you, I'm not a train!!
N: Yes you are!!!
Viggy: You want to call it a chicken? Fine. It's a chicken. Now GET OUT OF THE CHICKEN!!
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