Sunday, March 23, 2014

more stories

Yesterday evening I asked my kids to help me by picking up the clothes and towels on the floor of their room and putting them somewhere I could reach.

After 15 minutes, Adi had made several trips over to bring me piles of clothes, and N had sort of helped, too. D had been cutting paper.

Me: Wow, A, thank you so much for all your help!
N: Mommy, I helped too!
Me: Yes, thank you to you, too, N! You helped clean up and encouraged D to help.
D: Mommy, look! I cut my paper into the box and not onto the floor!



Child: Mommy, right it's fun to be a girl? Because boys only think they're in charge.
Me: What do you mean?
Child: Like, when we ask Daddy something, he says, 'I don't know, ask Mommy.'


Did I mention that one of my children got a marriage proposal from a little boy in her kindergarten class? She accepted, but on the condition that her mommy only lets her get married in another 15 years.

This happened on the way to her class. As we kept walking, we had the following discussion:

Her: I know why he wants to marry me.
Me: Why is that?
Her: Because we kissed on the lips last year in preschool. And again this year. And we'll do it again next year in first grade.
Me: Oh.
Me (feeling like I should parent, or something): Umm... maybe it would be better to just kiss friends on the cheek?
Her: Hmm. Maybe. But it's our bodies, so we'll do what we want with them.

Oh man. How did I get myself into this before they even started grade school???


Did I mention that the girl in the above story was not D? But Dani also has her admirers. Today she was upset on the way home from preschool, and a little boy (YC) who's in her class came over to give her a hug.

Her response: "Go away, YC! Do you want me to hit you?"


As for me, I'm still hanging around being enormous. With the threat of an impending math test no longer looming over my head (long story short, it turns out I was allowed to postpone it to the end of this next semester even without giving a reason), I've discovered that my urge to clean the house really is due to the "nesting instinct" (aka that urge women get to clean everything just as they reach the point where they can barely move to so much as pick up a sock) and not just my usual "procrastination instinct" (familiar to anyone who's had a test they really don't want to take). Thanks to a few hours of work this morning, I've brought my computer space and the kids' bedroom from "filthy" to just "messy" - yay!

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