Thursday, October 16, 2014


Yesterday S left the room where she'd been playing with her sisters and their friend, and came to see me in the kitchen.

"Mommy, there's a monster," she informed me matter-of-factly (or, in the original Hebrew and original pronunciation: אמא, יש מפלתת).
"Oh, a monster? Where?"
"Up high."
"Mmmm. OK."
(this repeated a few times)
"Mommy, there's a monster"
"OK, but there's not really a monster."
"There's a monster."
"But not really."
"Up high."
(this repeated a few times)

Finally, I went to see the monster.
"Where's the monster?"
"Up high!"
"Over here?" *points* "There's no monster here."
"Up high!" *points higher*
(this repeated several times)

Finally, after S left the room to go tell someone else about the monster, we had a breakthrough:
"Girls, why does S think there's a monster in the room?"
"Oh yeah, that. She was bothering us, so we told her there's a monster in here that only eats girls named S, so that she would leave."

Ahhh, sisterly love. (Remind you of anything, Snan?)

And what happened to the monster? When Viggy came home a few minutes later, S immediately approached him about it. And rather than try to deny its existence, as I had so foolishly done, he immediately went into the room and started eating it.

"OHM NOM NOM. YUMMY MONSTER. Is it anywhere else?"
*giggle* "Over there!!!"
"OHM NOM NOM. I'm eating up the monster!"
(this repeated several times, after which we didn't hear about the monster again)