Monday, March 2, 2015

Understanding N

D used to be hard to understand, because she couldn't make consonant sounds using the front of her mouth (t, d, sh, etc). Now, thanks to speech therapy and improved hearing, she's usually easier to interpret.

S is a little hard to understand, because she has trouble with consonant sounds that use the back of the mouth (k, that gutteral "ch" that Hebrew is so fond of). She's still young and hopefully this will resolve itself without speech therapy.

And N is hard to understand because it turns out that sometimes, making all the right sounds just isn't enough.

See if you can interpret the following:

(on what she wants to dress us as for Purim):
"The one where the girl turns the teddy bear into... you know."

(on a movie she saw):
"It's the one where the ball goes into his tummy, but then he does *pantomimes vomiting* and it goes in his hand!"

give up? The correct answers are: 1. Belle from the movie Beauty and the Beast, 2. the first Harry Potter story (Harry Potter and the Almost-Swallowed Snitch, apparently).

It's not like she says these things as part of a full explanation. "We have to bring a thing to school for the thing" is the whole explanation.

Fortunately, or maybe not so fortunately, her sisters seem to understand her just fine. It took A less than 10 seconds to figure out statement #1.

I foresee a future of listening to them talk about the time they did that thing at that other thing, while they all nod and smile and I just sit there being confused.

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