Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time to clean

I'm going to share something personal with you: I don't like cleaning. Those of you who know me will, I know, be shocked to hear this.

Yet somehow, life worked out such that I am the primary person in charge of maintaining a semblance of order from Sunday, when the work week begins, to Friday, when Viggie has his day off and can whip things into shape so quickly that it makes me sulk because now he's clearly just showing off.

During my time, the house slowly reverts from cleanliness to different state; a state that reflects nature's constant push toward entropy, our ultimate lack of control over the course of our lives, and the beautiful chaos of the universe.

Viggie does not appreciate my philosophical genius.

Although to be fair, it's usually me who starts any fights about it.

Somewhere deep inside, or maybe somewhere off partying on a beach in Hawaii, I have a hint of better nature. This little piece of me occasionally pops up to urge me to Set Goals and Get Organized. Which I sort of do. If I do say so myself, I've managed admirably to meet my current cleanliness goal (namely, Clean Enough So That if Tipat Chalav Finally Calls Social Services on Me (more on that later), They Would Give Me a Second Chance).

In honor of that little spark of non-laziness, and in honor of the long-suffering Viggie, I present this handy chart for figuring out whether your floor, like mine, might need to be cleaned (apologies for the picture separation - I am technically as well as cleaning-ly impaired):

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