Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Remember a few months ago, when I mentioned my limited Russian skills?

A reminder: this is how it used to sound to me when people talked to me in Russian.

I am pleased to announce that after months of hard work and (semi) daily flashcard review, I can now not only understand some of what people say to me, but even respond! It goes something like this:

There may be some room for improvement.

But still - progress!

I also read Goldilocks and the Three Bears in Russian. I hate to be a language snob, but I have to say, the story is much better in Russian.

For one thing, the bears have names, and their relationship to each other is never quite clarified, which automatically makes it more interesting. They could be single roommates, hanging out and having fun in the bear equivalent of the big city. Or in some weird love triangle. Who knows.

Also open to interpretation is the substance they had cooling in their bowls when Goldilocks traipsed in. I looked up the word in multiple online dictionaries with no luck. Now I don't even want to know anymore, because the possibilities beyond "porridge" (did Goldilocks bust a bear-operated meth ring? were they preparing deadly chemicals for the first wave of attack on the filthy humans?) make the story so much better.

So that's how Russian is going. Math, now... let's not talk about math for today. 


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