Wednesday, July 30, 2014

War and kid stories

A kid story (involving the war).

So I overheard Adi and her friend S talking politics at lunch ("We're winning." "Yeah. Hamas is only winning at being stupidest."). At one point, Adi, in all seriousness, said:

Adi: They [Hamas] should be thanking us!


Adi: We have the Iron Dome, so we know when there are missiles coming. But they don't have the Iron Dome. So we call them and tell them that there are missiles coming toward their house!

OK, it's sad if you overthink it, but as an insight into my daughter's understanding of the news it made me laugh. (apparently missiles are a natural phenomenon affecting Hamas and Israelis alike).


I started to share a whole lot of other thoughts, but then I realized:

1. I have a whole lot of thoughts. Like, pages and pages worth of stuff to say.
2. Not a whole lot of it is super-clear.
3. I should probably sleep.

So - those few of you willing to tolerate my sleepy musings about war and global politics will just have to wait.

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