Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy holidays

I've been a lazy blogger lately, I know. For what it's worth, I've been busy with all the holidays we've been having over here. There was Rosh Hashanah, aka the Jewish new year, aka the Day of Judgment, aka the day where you get to eat apples in honey then run around the house screaming "tooooooooooooot" just like the noise the horn was making in shul. 

Then Yom Kippur, aka the Day of Atonement, aka one of the two annual 24+-hour fast days, aka the day where you get to stuff your face with honey cookies and run around doing all that stuff you could never get away with any other day of the year because Mommy isn't feeling good right now.

Now it's Sukkot, aka feast of Tabernacles (<-- it is time to change this translation. Nobody alive has seen a tabernacle), aka the holiday on which my already timid child managed to develop a fear of, of all things, wind. She says that if it's a windy day on a day when she has preschool, she just won't go.

To prove my busy-ness, I present my to-do lists from before Rosh Hashanah. (I love writing "to do" lists. I'm not really into reading them, but writing them is great. It fills me with a sense of possibility, just thinking how cool it would be if I were actually going to get more than 1/3 of that stuff done.)

1 comment:

  1. I see you're having trouble with the "repent" part. No problemo! Just take the fish head and wave it above and around your head 3 times, mumble the words "I repent" with each wave, and PRESTO!!! You've repented! Now, wasn't that easy and no bothersome chicken feathers...
