Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The kids saw my attempts at art (the illustrations you see here) and decided they wanted to try too. It turned out to be a great way to get almost an hour of relative quiet.

Here are their pictures. First two are by the oldest, then in descending age order, then the last was a collaborative effort.

I'm adding one: Adi did this, and explained to Noya, "I'm writing a lot because I have a lot to say to a lot of people."


  1. Talented...very talented. I'm not one bit surprised! Aunt Faye:)

  2. I want to know what program you are using!

  3. I'm using Microsoft paint. I don't know how to do much with it yet (the kids have already figured out things I didn't get to), but maybe someday.

  4. I'm really impressed with the art you manage to eke out of it on your time budget. well done!
