Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Things that really happened (part 2)

Still no more valuable life lessons. My bad.

But in the meantime, please enjoy laughing at me over the following things that really happened today:

(I'm still not sure what that was about)
7.5 hours later...

and finally
Not pictured: the bathroom floor being flooded (that's not really worth including - I'd be surprised to see it un-flooded at this point), the hallway floor being painted orange (no, I'm not dumb enough to give them paints and leave them unsupervised. Get this - they actually managed to unpaint a picture they made in gan by soaking the paper, then reuse the paint on the floor. Also, they left dark orange almost-blood-colored handprints on the walls, just in case there weren't enough things to concern social services if they were to drop in sometime), and the moments where I could hear Dani coming from outside the building because of the way she always tries to talk to the stray cats (MIAOW!!! MIIIAAAOOOWWW!!!!!!) at the top of her lungs on the way in.

But hey, nobody pooped OR peed on the floor today (that I've discovered yet), so that makes today a good day in my book.

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