Monday, May 28, 2012

The First Rule of Parenting

So the kids found yet another use for their styrofoam box.

That's Adi giving Noya a bath as Dani and a friend look on. (The floor isn't usually that color, that's my attempt to portray it covered in an inch of dirty water.)

For once, they took turns so nicely that I didn't realize what they were doing until the second child was already in the "bath."

At that point, looking at the soapy water all over the bathroom and hallway, I had a realization. It was just like when Newton was hit by that apple, except not fictional.

That realization, which I hope will be known in the future as Ali's First Rule of Parenting, is as follows: the number of minutes of silence you experience as your child plays out of eyesight is directly proportionate to the number of minutes you will spend cleaning up after whatever it is they are doing. Or Q = xC, where Q is Quiet, C is Cleaning time, and x is a coefficient that I have yet to confirm, but believe to be somewhere between 2 and 3.

Nobody steal my genius theory, please. And if I discover any more Rules of Parenting I'll share them here. (I am getting hit with proverbial apples all the freaking time, so it seems likely that additional Rules are to come. That or a concussion, anyway.)

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